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Solidarity Prisoner
by Jack Neis'

This is Jack Neis' email of 11/21 about his experience after being arrested at the SOA protest. PeaceRoots Alliance was there as we are very concerned that this terrorist training camp is being held in our name and at our expense. The days there were very moving and we consider closing down this antithesis of the American morality one of our important projects toward a more peaceful world. You can check out the website at http://www.peaceroots.org.

My dear friends:

I was arrested last weekend during a demonstration in Columbus, Georgia protesting the existence of the School of the Americas; a school that is the symbol of the worst in this country's foreign policy. I will most probably receive a six month sentence in federal prison. Kate and I are adamant opponents of this school, as most of you know. HOWEVER. This missive is not about the school. It is about my experience the last few days: it is about the erosion of civil rights.

I would appreciate your attention. I think that you will find it interesting. I was one of those fortunate to be in the company of the people who "crossed the line" during the School of the Americas Watch /SOAW demonstration at Fort Benning. The charge we were arrested for is trespassing. No property damage. No violence. No threats. It is a petty misdemeanor. In some states a petty misdemeanor is not even legally considered a crime.

In the past, violators of this ordinance, including repeat "offenders" were processed, arraigned immediately and released on their own recognizance until their trial months later. Everyone knew that they could, and repeaters expected that they would receive a prison sentence. This year things were a bit different.

As usual, our group of ninety-odd included some seniors. (well into the seventies). Keep them in mind as I continue. We were cuffed with plastic ties behind our backs, and taken to a processing area. We were interrogated (no Miranda), printed, and photoed. At this point we expected to be quickly arraigned, and released.

We were then turned over to the US Marshal service. Again we were interrogated, fingerprinted and photoed.

Now it starts getting ugly.

(Remember: NONVIOLENT PETTY MISDEMEANOR and we have not been convicted: therefore assumed not guilty of even this charge. We can be HELD (not punished) for up to forty-eight hours.) They put us in SHACKLES and LEG CHAINS for transportation to the Muskogee County jail. Shackles are those things where your hands are locked in a fixture at your waist fastened to a chain around your waist that you see on serial killers. With leg chains you have to shuffle to walk.

At the jail, everything was taken from us, and we were issued prison uniforms (short sleeved pajamas), one blanket, a towel, and a plastic cup. Again we were interrogated, printed and photoed. (No Miranda) Muskogee County has just dedicated a new jail. Apparently there was no room in the new section: they led us back to the old jail for "holding". It was dirty, rusty, and COLD. We wore our blankets constantly to keep warm. The blanket was just barely long enough to cover for sleeping. "Breakfast" was at 4:20 AM, and the "food" was despicable. During the entire time we were incarcerated, requests for medication were ignored.
All day Monday and Tuesday, the 34 men spent the entire day in a 12 x 15 room as we awaited arraignment. Picture that. The women spent the day in a similar room. There were a lot more of them.

I was raised upper middle class, went to a parochial grade school, Jesuit Prep high school, and Notre Dame University. I spent five years in the Air Force as a flight instructor. Beginning my career at Northwest Airlines, I was pretty much sure about everything in life, as would most given that experience. Then I was laid off (it turns out for almost nine years.) Given the job opportunities in 1970, I ended up driving a city bus in Minneapolis. Those 3+ years gave me the greatest part of my education. I learned about the lives of real folks. I got to know the poor, the black and the red, and the unemployed. I learned that I really hadn't known much at all about people. This experience in jail was another such step. My fellow cellmates included priests, college professors, students, Catholic Worker volunteers, and even a couple who call themselves "full time activists". You know, "those" people.

What a marvelous and diverse group of men!!!!!! I was humbled by their experiences, and their lives of dedication to their fellow human beings. As I was sitting Sunday night with some of them; feeling the cold and the separation, my stomach twisted in a knot mostly from an ignorance of what was to come, I looked up and said," I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be right now than right here."

We sang together, we "mantra"ed together in that crowded little room, slowly walking around in single file as we intoned for the better part of half an hour. We could hear through the walls the women singing loudly. We prayed together, we joked and we talked. I was in awe considering my puny contributions to humanity, I felt somewhat undeserving to be in their company.

The court arraignments dragged on. Although some of us made personal statements, I believe most of them were shorter than a minute. There was a constant repetition of our "rights" and the charges against us. In spite of our attempts with our legal people to expedite the proceedings, and therefore the release of those yet to come, the delays were unbelievable. One woman late in the afternoon (after 4) was asked why she was shaking. The courtroom was cold, and she had not been fed since 4:20 that morning. Everyone else in the courtroom was wearing either heavy long-sleeved turtleneck shirts or suit and tie. A good number of the spectators were wearing their jackets and sweaters. Another woman who was diabetic had had not only no food, but no meds since arrest. The judge evidently thought it somehow entertaining to throw in adolescent humor.

The proceedings lasted until just short of the 48 hour deadline.

Finally came the last surprise. $5000 each for bail. High school students, college students, unemployed, poor, rich, first timer or repeater; whatever. Unprecedented! In the history of the SOAW, NO ONE has ever not shown up for trial! The judge mentioned, "These are different times"! I know that I broke the law. I am ready and willing to take the consequences. I will probably receive 6 months in federal prison. I do not agree with it, but I knew the risks.

But evidently the word has come down from above. Possibly from John Ashcroft himself. We have committed the most grievous of crimes. We are attempting to bring attention to and to criticize our government's foreign policy, and we must be dealt with. In a nation founded on Dissent, Dissent will not be tolerated. Make life for those protestors as miserable as you can.

Of course there's also the chance that once in jail, regardless of whether convicted, and regardless of for what, all persons not only can, but should, be treated as animals. What would you think if you were mistakenly arrested, held for 48 hours and were treated like this? Is this sort of treatment OK? Well, one of our number will be found innocent. He was dragged onto the base by a soldier. He has many witnesses. Yet he received the same treatment.

Michael Parenti has warned that wars are between the rich and the poor. Poor countries don't need government. Government is all about money, and its purpose is to move it from the population to the rich. Laws are written to protect the rich from the poor. THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MOMENT! After our foreign policy has made use of the backs and lives of the poor around the world, the system will begin to attack and subjugate its own people. They need only fear as a tool. I think it's starting. We are at a crucial point in the history of this country. We must decide whether it should be an ally in a world of nations, or an empire. Before you answer, find out what an empire is, and who runs it.

George and his regime want to rule the world. Do you want that? I didn't say he wants the United States to rule the world. He is not in this for us. There is always the possibility that he might actually think he is. But if so, he is governing from a position of ignorance "..as would most given that experience."

Sometimes you have to question what you have always believed. It's hard. It's uncomfortable. It's unnerving. And it can be painful.

Believe me, I know.

Jack Neis POC

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