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read "We need to unite not only during a time of war but also during a time of joy."
Union Square is filled with candles, flowers, posters, pictures of the missing, as a way to remember those who died. There is a very sad, but calm atmosphere. The place is swarming with photographers, people video taping. You come across a lot of "love and peace" signs, American flags, flowers, and sad, focused faces.
A dreadlock jazz player plays the blues in the background. He is almost drowned out by the constant drums and bells of people in monk clothing. A local guitarist and songwriter sings about how strong America is and that we will get through this. The theme at Union Square Park is peace and love, all in remembrance of the people affected by the World Trade Center tragedy. Messages of "Love One Heart" and "Violence begets Violence" are spread throughout the park. It is noticeable that some did not get that message as a picture of an Arab woman holding a candle is pasted up, with writing underneath expressing lost; someone had written "They danced" on the picture.
Thousands and thousands of candles make islands on the grass and surround statues and trees. People who have returned there for days and people just passing by take part in the endless struggle of keeping each and every candle burning bright.
It is a glowing appearance that only becomes more beautiful as the sun goes down. Near the candles are pictures of people missing in the World Trade Center. Phone numbers written on them represent all the people who are hanging on to that last hope that their loved ones are alive. Bibles are laid out near rosaries as if they are asking everyone to pray for lost ones. Flags run rampant expressing America's pride.
A woman impersonating the Statue Of Liberty, collecting donations for red cross, reminds us that this country is strong and proud, as always, and will never be beaten down.
People are on their knees writing messages expressing their sorrow. The messages, candles, and music all merge together to honor the people who lost their lives or who are missing in the ruins of the Twin Towers.
is not until you have left the commotion and your clothes smell
of grass, wax and something burnt that everything is put into place.
It is the memory and smell of theplace that reminds everyone of what and who was lost.
Other photographs from Union Square
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