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Youth Speak Out at the World Famous Apollo Theater

by Melvin Johnson & Chris Kid
Photos by Shem Rajoon & Jamael Skeete


On Oct 29, at the world famous Apollo Theater there was a conference for the youth to voice their opinions. This conference included New York City council member, William Perkins, Manhattan Borough President Virginia C. Fields, Harlem business alumni Walter Edwards, radio personality Bob Law, activist and many other representatives of the community. Before the panel took stage, the black star spangle banner, Lift Every Voice and Sing, was sung. Ten minutes after the introduction students where given the chance to speak their mind and express the issues they deal with on a regular basis.

Many youth had comments to say about their school. Students from Wadleigh complained about the lack of books and teachers without proper training. Other students complained about their school's safety, police not helping them feel protected from the violence within the school. Others spoke out about racial profiling being practiced by police. Many people complain about the dirty streets of Harlem and why is it that downtown is clean and uptown is dirty.

Another major issue was police giving minorities no respect. Most feel that officers think they can drive around town pick someone out the crowd and charge them with obstructing justice or resisting arrest. Then down town you go to central booking for two days. They also said that we need a mayor who is with us, and out of all the statements made to the panel all answers narrowed down to one. The only ones who can change what's going on are you, and the only way we will get a mayor who is with us is through our actions. So if you're 18, do what you gotta do, ROCK THE VOTE.

I feel that it was good for the youth of Harlem to get their thoughts out about problems within the community. I also feel the panel already knows about these problems and it is time for them to start making some solutions. I'm sure everyone in New York City knows about police brutality and the various flaws in our education system. Since these people are elected officials, they have the power to change some of these problems. Personally, I won't be satisfied with what was said at the speak out until changes are made, because what is the point of speaking if no one is listening?



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