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As director of special projects for the Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone (UMEZ), Porter wants to make sure the areas rich culture remains intact as the area undergoes massive change and renovation. As Harlem finds itself undergoing yet another renaissance, its doors have, as if swung open, flooded themselves with tourists and new tenants. The community no longer caters solely to the needs of Blacks and Latinos. Its population now includes a multitude of races; from German to Japanese, Harlem streets are filled with new faces, new backgrounds, new stories, and new opportunities. Porter praises the recent relocation of former President Bill Clintons offices into Harlem. The move has sparked a chain reaction that has brought new businesses which have helped to revitalize the once struggling community by creating new jobs. Mr. Porter, relatively new to the UMEZ group, has already orchestrated the opening ceremonies for Clintons first day in his new offices, as well as events and funding for the Aaron Davis Hall, the Dance Theater of Harlem, and several youth based organizations such as Boys Harbor. Both government and state funded, UMEZ is a nationwide initiative designed to revitalized distressed rural and urban American communities. Its mission is to help stimulate change in both the Harlem and Washington Heights communities by funding new businesses. The Harlem USA building on 125th St. lists as just one of UMEZs many accomplishments. The building houses the renowned Magic Johnson Theater, along with Old Navy and The Disney Store. This has allowed Harlem residents to once again shop and work in their own neighborhood. |
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