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Who Did you Vote For?
by Jose Rosario

We all know what the results are, but why did everyone vote for who they voted for? Was it because of the debates? Was it because they were registered as a republican or democratic? Maybe it was because they want to see what one candidate vs. another would do for the United States? Well to find out what the people thought, we at HarlemLIVE decided to take matters into our own hands and survey those in our community to find out why they voted for each candidate.

Name: Alfred
Age: --
Resident: --
Occupation: --
Did you vote?
Who did you vote for?

Why did you vote for them, if you did not vote why not?
I voted for Bush because of the fact that the election is based on the war. Both candidates are over looking other major topics such as abortion, urbanization, morals and discrimination. Everyone is worrying about finance but should really be more concerned with morals.

Name: Sobek
Age: --
Occupation: “Factologist"
Did you vote?
Who did you vote for?
Why did you vote for them, if you did not vote why not?
Delaying world order is my main priority. I know Kerry will delay while Bush would just hasten the whole process. Also, Kerry seems to be lighter on African-Americans.

Name: Jovany Flores
Age: --
Resident: --
Occupation: Student

Did you vote?

Who did you vote for?
Why did you vote for them, if you did not vote why not?
I don’t approve of Bush at all. Kerry is not much of a difference but he is more balanced than Bush.

Name: Lewis Neely
Age: --
Resident: --
Occupation: Retired
Did you vote?
Who did you vote for?
Why did you vote for them, if you did not vote why not?
I’m a life-long Texan and know Bush personally. As everyone else he has made many mistakes but once your born a republican always a republican. He’s a great man and has done well.

Name: Zan
Age: 33 yrs old
Resident: California
Occupation: Teacher
Did you vote?
Who did you vote for?
Why did you vote for them, if you did not vote why not?
I wasn’t able to vote because I am registered in California and you can only vote in your own district.

Name: Rhodora
Age: 30 yrs old
Resident: California
Occupation: Marketing Specialist
Did you vote?
Who did you vote for?
Why did you vote for them, if you did not vote why not?
I want to see if he can bring changes to U. S. health care, increasing unemployment and see if he can improve the economy.

Name: Lorraine
Age: --
Resident: --
Occupation: Home Health Aid
Did you vote?
Who did you vote for?
Why did you vote for them, if you did not vote why not?
He seems to be honest about his assessments for the blacks.

Name: Terrance
Age: --
Resident: --
Occupation: Director of Research at NBIA
Did you vote?
Who did you vote for?
Why did you vote for them, if you did not vote why not?
I’m big on debating so there is too much to consult about but a major issue would have to be how much money is being spent on war and not on everything else.


Name: Navit
Age: --
Resident: --
Occupation: --
Did you vote?
Who did you vote for?
Why did you vote for them, if you did not vote why not?
I’m not sure whom I wanted to vote for. There are some things I like about Kerry and there are some things I like about Bush.


Name: --
Age: 26 yrs old
Resident: --
Occupation: --
Did you vote?
Who did you vote for?
Why did you vote for them, if you did not vote why not?
He seems like he’ll turn out great for the democracy and
no matter who we vote for it will be hell for the next 4 yrs.

Name: --
Age: --
Resident: --
Occupation: Marketing Associate
Did you vote?
Who did you vote for?
Why did you vote for them, if you did not vote why not?
I like his ideas and because I’m a democrat.

Name: Maggy
Age: 30 yrs old
Resident: --
Occupation: --
Did you vote? Yes
Who did you vote for?

Why did you vote for them,if you did not vote why not?
I voted for him because my mother told me to.

Name: --
Age: 20 yrs old
Resident: --
Occupation: --
Did you vote?
Who did you vote for?
Why did you vote for them, if you did not vote why not?
I don’t care for politics.

Name: Sharon Bailey
Age: --
Resident: --
Occupation: Teacher’s Aid
Did you vote?
Who did you vote for?
Why did you vote for them, if you did not vote why not?
I can’t decide who is the lesser evil between the two.

Name: Brian Davids
Age: --
Resident: --
Occupation: UPS
Did you vote?
Who did you vote for?
Why did you vote for them, if you did not vote why not?
I’m not sure whom I should’ve voted for. I understand both
sides but I see voting for any of them as voting for the Satan.

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