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goal of this tour is to expose bright, inner-city high school students
to experiences beyond their everyday reach, opening them to universities
they'd normally disregard out of feelings of intimidation or intangibility.
Twenty teens -- not exclusive to HL -- will be coming on the tour
taking place in Spring 2003. They will be accompanied by a CNN camera
crew, intent on broadcasting the journey for a prime time news feature. |
Negotiations have been going on all summer through reschedules, revamps, and refreshes of the tour. We've even managed to raise $1,000 towards the total $4,000 we need for the bus! After it all however, we still have insufficient funds, and as a nonprofit organization on an already tight budget (HL has no steady funder), we can't exactly swing an extra $3,000 out for a charter bus on our own strength. :-( People constantly grieve about lots of "today's youth" being up to nothing productive or useful. HarlemLive is the very antithesis to that. Terrific teens, advisors, mentors, students and professionals are all here, coordinating something viable, useful, influential, and NECESSARY. This is our passion. Putting together projects to substantially educate, inspire, and uplift our peers is what we're all about here at HarlemLive. All details are in place; all we need now is a charter bus to seal the deal! I'd hate to see something so important go down the drain simply because of an issue of lack of transportation. |
want to go so bad it's unbelievable. I wish I could explain to you how
I feel about me [possibly] missing the trip because of
a bus." "I
REALLY want to pull this off!" "You
guys better get a bus. I mean come on -- a BUS? The lack of transportation
should never be allowed to stop you in experiencing so great of an opportunity."
If 60 people gave in a mere $50 for this tour, we'd have enough to finally pull through! All donations to HarlemLive are fully tax-deductible under the 501 (3)(c) IRS code. We are asking you or anyone you know to become one of our "60 Friends" in lieu of HarlemLive's 1st Annual Ivy League College Tour, by giving a check or money order for $50 to what the New York Times has called, "a remarkable initiative." We need your help!! Sincerely, Checks or money orders should be made payable to "HarlemLive; Ivy League College Tour." They can be sent to: HarlemLive |
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