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The problem of curfews fall short of the theft of
property Palestinians have witnessed. Israel has relentlessly taken
Palestinian land during times of war and still does today. A fact
even more disturbing is that Israel presently rules Palestinian
land illegally due to Resolution 242 passed by the United Nations
Security Council on November 26, 1967. Resolution 242 states that
during wartime a country cannot claim the territory of another;
they must return any captured land after the war. Needless to say,
Israel still occupies Palestinian land. Palestinian restrictions are clearer through the many checkpoints Palestinians must go through to travel. These checkpoints have always caused immeasurable amounts of problems for Palestinians; they can be described as borders where Palestinians cannot pass without paperwork. The restrictions on travel prevents Palestinians from visiting families, getting proper health care and working regular jobs among other things. Such is the case of Awad Massar, a double-heart attack victim, and his wife, who went for treatment at a hospital out of their village and now cannot go home: "Every time the couple came to an Israeli checkpoint, he would show them his hospital records and plead to pass, but they would wave him away, forcing him back to the countryside," (Anderson). Massar and others like him are trapped where they stand. |
Due to the rise of terrorism, it is more than understandable that the Israeli government takes such precautions. However, these checkpoints prevent growth and delete any chance for Palestinians to grow strong as a nation. The ruthlessness of the soldiers posted at these abundant checkpoints make it impossible for normal living standards to take place; it is difficult to even get food through and whole families are held at gun point while their cars are checked. |
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This situation
continues to worsen as the construction of a fence, separating the West
Bank (Palestinian territory) from the rest of Israel, progresses. The
new fence will run the entire length of the West Bank border making
exceptions on Israeli settlements. The fence is merely a more confining
way, other than checkpoints, that will even further prevent the development
of a strong Palestinians nation. This plan is similar to so many injustices
of the past. Most importantly, it is an eerie reminder of the many black
and white pictures of people looking through wire fences in concentration
camps during the Jewish Holocaust. Bibliography: Anderson, John Ward. New Israeli Curfews Confine 600,000 in West Bank. The Washington Post June 25, 2002. A11 Golden, Tom. Dreams of Land Collide As Israel Settlers Grow. July 3, 2002 http://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/03/international/middleeast/03SETT.html Hoffman, Michael A. II. The Israeli Genocide in Palestine, March 29 April 18, 2002. http://www.hoffman-info.com/palestine52.html |
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