Katrina Shakarian: Event Coordinator

It’s about time for an update!

Two years ago, I stumbled upon the site while doing research for a social studies project. Of course I was very impressed with what I saw, and later surprised when I learned that the entire magazine is in the hands of high school students. Naturally, I had to be a part of this.

So next thing I knew, I was on staff as a writer/reporter. Since then I’ve ascended the ranks to community editor and now, event coordinator. I’ve also made some progress outside of the organization. I graduated from Benjamin N. Cardozo High School in Queens and have since moved on to Binghamton University, where I am double majoring in philosophy and sociology. Ultimately, my passions lie with education and I intend on pursuing a career in the field.

My experience at HarlemLIVE has been priceless. From the moment I stepped into the door, I was swept away by a welcoming camaraderie and an unprecedented opportunity to explore journalism. This organization has granted me access to people, programs and events that have contributed to the development/fine-tuning of my writing, my confidence and my ability to actualize ideas. Young people can be affective in facilitating changes on many different fronts, be they the media, education or politics. HarlemLIVE’s existence fortifies that fact. This program enriches, exposes and empowers its participants. It has provided countless individuals, including myself, the chance to learn, explore and project a voice into the world.

Now with all that said…feel free to e-mail me! Kshaka00@aol.com

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