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Date posted: 06-12-02
by Sheresa
at Harlem Live we like to add flavor to whatever it is we do. So we've
decided every month to give you what we like to call "The Low-down". What's
The Low-down? They're reality horoscopes, not some fictional fable to
make you feel good about yourself. I'm not here to be your friend but
to let you know what bad things can happen cause they WILL happen. |
March 21- April 19
are things going in school? Crappy! And you know why? Cause you've been
conning your way through classes.By the way when's the last time you've
been to class? Yeah, don't act like I'm lying you know you don't go
to class. And Ms.Thing who is that nappy headed little boy you walking
around with. You know your mom got her personal spies out and let me
tell you Mrs. Johnson saw your little nasty butt behind the bodega on
the corner. And you Sr. you know that girl only has a future as a video
hoe, so MOVE ON!!!!!!! The moral of this story get yourself together,
nobody is going to want to support a loser!!
April 20-May 20
you feel the way out of all your problems is to lie??? All I have
to say about that is, it's about time you figured that out. You and
I both know that you weren't going to get through that telling the
truth did u? But even though stretching the truth comes in handy lying
to your boss just to get out of work will not work for you all the
time. And another thing your birthday is going to be the worst day
of your life. From Sunrise till Sunset things are going to unravel
like you've never expected. Besides, why should things go good you've
been lying your way through life haven't you? All I have to say is
what goes around comes around.
May 21- June 21
Diem!! Seize The Day!! Something you wouldn't think about cause you're
so damn lazy. You won't get out the bed to pull down the shades in the
morning so you'd just pull the sheet over your head. And another thing,
YOU STINK!!!! Take a shower. Nah, you know I'm just playing but seriously
at least do your laundry. You know how people say, "You're the bud of
every joke"?? For you it's "You're the bud of every lie", almost every
rumor we know is spoken from your lips. When is are you going learn to
mind your damn business? You need to learn individuality maybe some confinement
in a state correctional facility will do you some good, cause with all
your lying that's exactly where you're headed. |
June 22-July 22
you're going to like this one, I've got one thing and one thing only to
talk to you about. If you continue to piss away your money and treat people
like your personal slaves. You are no doubt going to be homeless as well
as lonely. So my advice to you is to perform a quick self-evaluation before
you end up broke and depressed. |
July 23-August 22
Okay so
what's with the spotlight???? You are not Will Smith and you are definitely
no Denzel Washington. So PLEASE stop acting as if you are God's gift to
the world! First off- you seem cool but having a conversation with you
is like being tortured with a hot poker stick. And if it seems like everyone
is always watching you, it's true! I can't tell you why cause I've never
found Leo's to be much of fascinating visual artwork. In other words,
I'd much rather look at a baboons butt then stare at you. And this ego
trip you have going like you're king of the world?? LOSE IT QUICKLY!!!!!
It's one thing to be sure of your self but your cockiness isn't anyone's
envy. |
August 23- September 22
Your possessive
ways are not cool. Although they say if you're persistent in what u want
good things will come, you're taking it too far. If you keep that pace
you'll have everyone you love pissed off at you. Your pestering is become
bigger than you think. To you its cute, to your victim its another reason
to kick your ass. But, because they love you they say nothing, but like
I said I 'm here for the truth and the truth hurts. So word of wisdom
just stay out their face for a while or you might end up meeting kujo
in a bar. Who's Kujo??? That's the contract killer sent to get you! |
September 23- October 22
Your sarcasm
is not appreciated. At least that's what everyone else says. I say keep
on keeping on! Being that I'm overly sarcastic myself I recognize those
in my field. But don't get too happy I'm still here to give you the truth
not to be your friend. Stop thinking your too good for anybody cause the
truth is with all your self-faults you're not good enough. Maybe if your
learned to accept the unfamiliar instead of sending it away, you wouldn't
spend so much time by yourself thinking why you are alone all the time.
And another thing it's always good to love your self, just don't fall
in-love with yourself. Get the point!! |
October 23- November 21
Well, Well I think all you Scorpio's know what I have to tell you. When
are u going to stop being so moody. Enough already!!! 0h and another thing
the paranoia isn't one of your best attributes. You are in serious need
of a self-reconstruction. What you need to do is try lightening up for
a change. Try being yourself and stop worrying about the fate of the world
all the time. I guess no one has told you yet but living from day to day
seems to be working for everyone else. |
November 22- December 21
What did you say? Exactly my point, Speak up! No one can hear and they
definitely wont respect you if you don't talk. Unless you start to exercise
your voice box u will continue to be mute to the world. Sometimes it okay
to let loose and fly by your seat. Understand? Be spontaneous. Stop being
such a drag. If no one wants to hang out with you its not because they
don't like you, but because you're boring. |
December 22- January 19
spending all your time worrying about love and focus on what's important.
By the way, what's important? You don't know do you? That's because you
haven't given yourself anytime to think about what's important. You spend
most your time trying to keep up with your friends. Stay your ass home
sometimes! Maybe if you actually contributed some time to yourself you
wouldn't be so screwed up now. |
January 20- February 18
people lllllllloooooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeee the spotlight. Here's some
news. The spotlight doesn't love you. In fact most people don't like you,
but they'll never say that to your face. If you stop trying to be everyone's
friend by doing and saying what they want to hear maybe you'd have a lot
more friends. Be yourself. It pisses me off when people are fake. So if
you ever make my acquaintance, be real. 'cause if you don't it won't be
too long before I walk away! |
February 19- March 20
but not Least! Pisces are what I consider great bull**** artist. Not
better than Capricorns but close enough. You Pisces con your way through
everything. You even con your way through conning. Did it ever occur
to you that if you were honest once in your life maybe you wouldn't
be in the crap you're in now. I offer you this helpful advice; try doing
something positive in your life, something you can be proud of. All
of this dishonesty and sneakiness will lead you nowhere but jail!!!
Don't drop the soap!!!!
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