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Boarding Schools Aren't So Bad After All !
Illustration by: Michael Popo Story by: Jassie Harris


When you think of boarding school most people think about being on lock down, a strenuous workload, and uniforms. But it's exactly the opposite, its lots of fun. I would know on a first hand basis because I go to an all girls prep school in Baltimore Maryland, named Oldfields School.

Boarding school is nothing like what people perceive it to be. It brings nothing but opportunities. I have gotten the chance to play sports I never heard such as lacrosse and squash. It has given me the opportunity to work in Baltimore and Philadelphia with Habitat for Humanity helping renovate buildings for low-income families. I have gotten the chance to meet and make new friends from all over the world. One of my very good friends I met was from Bermuda. I won't get to see her anymore at school since she graduated this year and will be attending college in Virginia. My other friends from school are from Mexico, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Korea. Being at Oldfields has allowed me to experience what it is like to live away from home. I feel like I' m eighteen and away at college. Even though this was my first year at Oldfields, I have become more responsible and focused.

The only thing I sometimes dislike about my school is that its four hours away from home, in New York City. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. Its just that sometimes when I get a little homesick I wish I can just leave for a little while and come back. Oldfields on the whole is a very good school. It was like the groundbreaker for all the things I've always wanted to experience. I have two more years left at Oldfields and I hope to make the best of it.


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