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Recently some of the staff of HarlemLive went to Rome, Italy. During their stay they learned how to say a couple of things in Italian.These are things you might want to use if you plan on going to Italy. We would like to give our thanks to Bengi (fbibengi@hotmail.com).
1) How much does... cost?? Quanto costa? 2) Where is the transportation system? Dov'e' il sistema di trasporto? 3) left and right: directions left: sinistra right: destra forword: avanti backword: dietro near: vicino around the corner: dietro l'angolo 4) I don't know Non lo so 5) I don't speak the language Non parlo la lingua 6) Speak slowly Parla lentamente 7) Where is.... Dov'e'.... 8) Where can I get food? Dove posso mangiare qualcosa? 9) Do you have? (Ce lo) Hai ? 10) Transition of money (dollars to lire) Cambio (di denaro) 11) Where are the hip hop clubs, or the hot spots? Dove sono locali hip hop 12) How old are you? Quanti anni hai 13) What city do you live in? Dove abiti? 14) Where is the shopping center? Dov'e' centro commerciale 15) What is the phone number for the police? Qual'e' il numero della polizia? |
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