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The final day of the conference had arrived with crowds of school students from god knows where, with a hunger for knowledge that could only be fulfilled through Information Technology.
Although my team and I were in another country with people speaking another language, the show would still go on. HarlemLive is known for giving the community a voice and interacting with those who need help expressing their opinions.So with saying that, you know what our next move was! We went out to the crowd to find out how project representatives felt about the audience they must present to and also how the audience felt about the projects they saw or have heard so much about.
A large majority of the crowd were students ranging from about 5 years
and up. All with the thirst for information technology. No matter
where you go itıs always that little As
I toured the area seeking someone with an American tongue I bumped
into a young man who looked as if he spoke English but I was fooled.
Andrea Di Giuseppe-18 from the city of Rome, was there supporting
his friend Yuri Faenza who was a participant in the GJC (Global Junior
Challenge). Yuriıs project "Le Epidemie Nella Storia"(Illness and
history) was to educate on the plague of Florence in 1348. He also
struggled to explain in English. Finally I came across someone who
grew tired of the crowded conference and found themselves crowding
the closes
exit for a smoke break. It was crazy how the students were allowed
to smoke cigarettes any place at any time. I ran into more students,
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