people our age at the exhibition hall was not that hard. They were willing
to talk to us even though they didn't understand us that much. It
was much easier than trying to talk to some girls in the states. The females here in Rome
look much older than they actually are. Some of them look like they
were 21 or something like that but they were 16 or 17. I think it is because
they put on a lot of make up or something. They taught us some small
phrases in Italian that helped us start a conversation with people.
They were, "Come ti chiami" which means "what's your name?" "Quauti anni
hai," which means "how old are you?" "Dove abiti" which means "where do
you live?" "Come stai" which means "what's up." These were the basic
lines we need to talk to anybody. They said that they would show us
around Rome later and take us to all the "hang out" spots.
it came time to go to bed after dinner, it was no use because we are
still use to six hour time difference in the United States. We had pillow fights and three
of my pillows ripped. So that didn't last long. We tried to play some
spades but Oscar had to go and practice for the presentation the next
day with Nicole, Jianna, and Melvin. So Oba, Justin and I decided
to play some poker. We didn't start to play for money but Justin insisted
so we did and we end up losing big time. I ended up being the big winner
winning about 1000 lire which is about 5 dollars but it's a lot over
here. Then after everyone finished practicing we all hung out with each other
in our room until about 5 in the morning. Richard (HarlemLive's founder) came and told us
that we had to wake up at 6 and it was 3. I told him that it's
nothing and that to stay awake all we'd need to do is drink hot chocolate
and tea. One hot chocolate later I'm still tired and trying to write
this memoir to the best of my ability.
Send us hamburgers, pancake mix, or anytime of American
food please. Send it to us as soon as possible we are dying here.
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