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arts culture/museum
Date posted: August 14, 2002

Rayne Roberts: An Achieving Young Artist
by Niekeda Bourgeois
photos by Shomari Smoak


Rayne Roberts The word "expand" is defined as increasing the scope or expressing in detail. As coordinator of the Expanding the Walls Program at the Studio Museum in Harlem it is Rayne Roberts job to expand her kids imagination and talents. Roberts, 23,a native of California and art history graduate of New York University began working at the Studio Museum in Harlem in March of this year.

Rayne Roberts is an experienced and skilled photographer and loves to show her creative side in her work. She loves taking photographs because that helps her reveal her creativity. The Expanding The Walls program is coordinated by Rayne and consists of 16 students. Rayne feels that the Expanding the Walls progrm will allow her students to explore community through arts and photography. She also thinks that it is a way for them to be creative. In a way Rayne is expanding the walls of Harlem because she is allowing people of all ages to explore Harlem and use Harlem to create things in photography.

Rayne is a very creative and accomplished person. Rayne thinks that a good photographer has to be patient and willing to explore the world around them. Rayne is currently working on a Photography Workshop. For the future Rayne plans on continuing to help youth in the arts and photography. Rayne Roberts is expanding the walls for youth and providing opportunities for them to be creative and explore the world they live in.

Rayne Roberts: creative, exploring, and achieving


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