Chocolate Thai & Jubilee
The newest underground R & B group, Chocolate Thai & Jubilee, has made their
appearance at several venues. After hearing them perform at one of these said venues, I
decided to buy a cd and review their music. I was not disappointed. There songs seem to
represent peace and love that these people have for others and we can need a little love
sometimes. Some songs like "Rain" are pure magic. The mix of guitars, drums and other
instruments make for a great mix good feeling music. "Freedom" may sound like a
remake of the original classic, but it is not. It is a song that encompasses the freedom that
every one wants in life. There songs truly set them apart from other R&B groups.
it was quite and exciting time at the performance they had that day. It was entertaining
and had a sound that I haven't heard in a long time. All types of people should buy their
music. Why, you ask? Well, they are great musically and lyrically and offer something
different than the generic R&B group. Even if they are a underground group,(which is
even more incentive to buy) you will feel good know that you are supporting a group
that makes music for music sake, not for money or privileges. 8/10