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As of October 2000, The Women's Professional Football League will officially begin their season, with 11 teams across the country participating in full contact NFL-style tackle football. The season will end in February, with the WPFL Championship title Game. Although this league is fairly new, Women's Pro Football has been around as long as the NFL ÐNational Football League, since the 1920's. At that time the NFL employed women players for halftime enjoyment. It was not until some forty years later, in Cleveland Ohio, the WPFL was established with just two teams; a mark in history was made. On
October 21,2000, Harlem Live had the special opportunity to interview
The New York Sharks, one of two New York teams, during their practice
session. The New York Sharks consists of women whose ages range from
18 to 49 The season opener for the Sharks began Sunday October 22nd and they were victorious, soundly defeating the New England Storm in Providence, Rhode Island. The score was 16 to 8. This Saturday's re-match will be held at the Mitchell Athletic Complex at Hofstra University. Log on for HarlemLive's exciting coverage.
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