The Beacon
High School in Manhattan is not your average high school. Yes, all
high schools have their bullies, horrible cafeteria food, slackers,
and an evil teacher here or there, but the Beacon School has a different
type of atmosphere. There is no all-powerful captain of the football
team; heck, there is no football team to begin with. There is no
social hierarchy. The staff, students, security guards, all have
a friendly relationship. Of course, not everybody loves everybody,
but, if that were the case, it would be a scary situation. Beacon
is an environment that is both academically challenging, and socially
In an environment that is teacher-friendly, students easily and
willingly fit right in with teachers. There is no hatred between
students and teachers in Beacon. Students gladly work for the school
and help teachers out if time allows. Teachers openly show their
ability to act as if they were kids. This is the case because most
of the teachers are fairly young and understanding. The relationship
between students and teachers allows for a group of people to act
as a community, instead of a typical school.
The students that make up Beacon are quite diverse, but that only
adds to fundamental values of Beacon. Students of all nationalities
dont allow that to block them from reaching their social and
academic goals. Diverse backgrounds and personalities allow all
types of students to reach out to other students. Different types
of students also add excitement to the classrooms. All in all, the
diversity in the students make Beacon a unique experience, instead
of just 6 hours of learning.
The combination of diversity among students, and understanding teachers,
proves to be a winning combination. Beacon might not be as popular
and academically challenging as Styvesant, but Beacon doesnt
have a suicide rate. Beacon is not molded into the perfect high
school, but it is not molded into the worst one either.
Contact information for The Beacon School:
227 West 61street New York, NY 10023
Telephone (212) 245-2807 Fax (212) 245-2179
E-mail sstoll@beaconschool.org Web Site www.beaconschool.org