Mary, full of grace...the Lord is with thee..." resonates through
the waxed wooden-set hallways of Aquinas High School around 8:07
a.m. on school days. I stand up, straightening out my pleated uniform
skirt and freshly starched school blouse...sighing at the redundant
prayer routine...but respecting it nonetheless. Morning prayers
are soon over as the first school bell rings to kick-off the day...my
day...at an all-girls catholic high school in Bronx, NY.
I've been educated by the New York Archidocese's school system since
my first year of schooling, so the rules and regulations that come
with catholic school territory are innately standard to me. I know
all about the need for respect and discipline...the value of honesty
and integrity...the respectability in being selfless and loving...blah
blah blah, this is nothing new. It's been drilled in my head since
day one. I've also become accustomed to the same-sex educational
environment; I've been going to an all-girls school since 6th grade.
Continuing the pattern into high school therefore came as no major
social shock or surprise to me, either. No biggie...I'm still breathing.
It's kind of funny actually; people tend to ask me, "So how is that?
A catholic...all-girls...high school?" -- spacing out each description
as if it gets worse by the word. Truth be told, the only aspect
of catholic school that's so different from what I've observed in
a vast majority of public schools is the intent focus on morals.
"Religion" is a class in catholic school; you're actually graded
on your judgment of morality, responsibility, consideration,
and concern for your fellow human being. Classes also tend to be
a little smaller, as the students tend to be a little more disciplined,
so generally, you can say there's a difference in the overall learning
this, I wouldn't go as far as to say that the quality of a catholic
school education is necessarily better than that of a public;
I've heard that rhetoric before and it's just ridiculous. You can
be the most "moral" person in the world and still be illiterate.
I don't attest to some automatic advanced acceleration in catholic
school lesson plans; at the end of the year we have the same educational
standards to succeed as our public education counterparts. Same
water; different fountain. There's simply a variation in the catholic
school ambiance; teachers get to be a little more unconventional,
which can be a positive...or negative thing, and if you happen to
snag up some good teachers, the combination of a great environment
and great lesson plan will do wonders. Time has taught me this.
my last school, I felt disgusted." begins Jessica Singh, a student
at Aquinas High School. "We were given really difficult class
work, and it seemed like the teachers didn't even care. They didn't
know how to teach, they couldn't explain the work, they couldn't
handle our questions...It's like they just threw the work
at us. The classrooms were crazy. Education? What education? That
environment made me sick."
isn't biased to parochial or private school, however. She also testifies
to being transferred to a catholic school afterwards, with minimal
results. She continues,"When I got to catholic school, I came
into another problem! The 'environment' was cool, but I wasn't learning
anything! They didn't teach us anything practical. It was then that
I realized catholic school didn't guarantee a good education...as
a difficult lesson plan didn't guarantee a top notch education,
either. I had to find the balance. I don't know if I'll find it
here, but I'll see."
now we know that a catholic school education doesn't guarantee academic
success. What about the same-sex issue? Does going to an all-girls
school magically equip me with some greater level of intellect or
insight than if I'd been in a co-ed environment? Does it suddenly
provide me with some profound level of maturity and focus? Of course
not. Yes, studies have shown that during the developmental years
of adolescence, females tend to lag behind in co-ed educational
settings where young people are still learning to develop sexually,
emotionally, and socially. However, it's unfair and blatantly illogical
to assume that because I'm in a room with all females, I'll suddenly
"learn better." I can have all the girl power in the world...and
still be illiterate.
to an all-girls school doesn't guarantee you anything but a short
supply of men's restrooms. You still have your class clowns...your
non-motivational, non-inspirational, inassertive students who lack
focus and direction. Sure, the possibility for a great learning
environment is there...but it must be applied...it is not
automatic. When educators take the time and consideration out to
realize this, the results can be beautiful.
educational environments are generally great for social confidence;
guys don't have to worry about impressing girls...girls don't have
to worry about impressing guys; you're there to learn. There's always
time to hookup afterschool. The blasting sound systems from our
"knights in shining armor", waiting like wolves on prey at the first
sign of a dismissal bell, are evidence enough. During school hours,
however, you're there to focus and delve into who you are as opposed
to warping yourself into what you believe you should be as through
the eyes of the opposite sex. Distracting sexual tension is virtually
gone; that can definitely help your need to focus in school. The
advantage of a same-sex environment is very similar to that of a
catholic school; the potential and probablitiy of a great ambiance.
Again, when you combine a great environment with a great lesson
plan...you have success. One without the other, is useless.
maybe you're wondering by now... "What's the point in paying for
an all-girls private school education if there's no greater guarantee
of success?" Well, it's all about the balance. If you're
fortunate enough to find the great balance between a positive educational
atmosphere and innovative lesson planning, then you have a great
school; Congratulations. If, on the other hand, you're not as fortunate...then
I'll let you in on a little secret of mine. Truth be told...a lot
of people tend to "assume" the ridiculous...even college admissions.
So hey...good grades...private school... "prestigious awards"...you
figure it out. All the pretentious glam and glitter that comes along
with being "private" or "elite"...it can really fool the lazy eye.
Therefore, even if the school turns out to be absolute crap, with
apathetic teachers or lack of any scholastic motivation...you can
at least use it to "look good" on your transcript. Yeah, I know..it's
shallow...but hey...what a system.
information for Thomas Acquinas High School:
Phone: (718) 367-2113
Address: 685 E182st Bronx, NY
Web Site: www.acquinashs.org