Im not saying its
easy but being a freshman at The College of New Rochelle was actually
more exciting than stressful. It was a lot easier than I thought.
My grades were a lot better than Id ever hope. I got 3 Bs
and an A. In high school they scare you with stories so youll
take the whole college process that much more serious. But in all
honesty the stories do indeed work. They force you to pre-create
a barrier to help build forces so that your can make your first
year more of a success than a defeat. The defeat Im
talking about is the pressure that consumes a freshman and forces
them to convince themselves of not return for their sophomore year.
Me? Im a different story. Im a broadcast major and found
my first freshman semester to be quite the experience. I took 12
credits this semester with classes that include film, media studies,
theatre, and calculus. My most interesting, was my film class. Although
it was relatively easy, all we did the whole semester was watch
classic and modern movies and critique them. My media Studies class
was a learning experience because it was an in depth look at what
stories we choose to present to the people and why. My Theatre class
was my favorite class and the 2nd hardest next to Calculus. My final
for theatre was to create an original monologue piece on the topic
of AIDS. It was challenging as well as very fun. The hardest class
of the semester was calculus. I was lost most the year but I managed
to find excellent tutoring and I studied hard.
Being that Im in the middle of a school change, I dont
quite know my class schedule so I dont know exactly what Im
in store for. I do know that Id like to take a 12 or 15 credit
semester as well as do some summer schooling, This way Ill
be able to knock some classes out the way so that I can study abroad
in my junior year.
My first semester was cool but Im hoping my second semester
will be better. I think itll be a lot harder, and I am well
prepared for that. Im just really looking forward to the new
environment, new people and an all-new experience. Who knows? Next
time I write a school report, I might be telling you that college
is kicking my butt!
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Telephone 914-654-5334
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