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One Police Plaza. Focus will now shift to the Bronx, as the next decision will be if this will be a trial by jury or trial by judge, and if by judge, which judge?? Pictures by Edward Diego The protest in front of One Police Plaza was an intriguing experience because it was full of people who were disgraced at Mayor Giuliani and the whole police force. These citizens were very angry of the killing of Diallo. I saw people with signs that showed Armadou Diallo shot on the ground, police shooting a person, and different signs critical of the mayor. It was a successful protest that consisted of no violence but a lot of passionate emotions. And what is really bad is the fact that people were getting arrested just for protesting against the injustice in this land. People were getting even more upset but they showed no weakness and kept protesting. I've never been to a protest that was so well organize like this one. Therefore, they got their point out and nobody was injured or killed.
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