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The speakers stressed that the rally would not have been possible without the expressed concern of the students & teachers present at the rally. Members of the UFT (United Federation of Teachers) took this opportunity to spotlight the importance for a new and vastly improved salary that will allow teachers to live more comfortably off of their earnings. It was an anonymous understanding; everyone knew full well of the less than stellar academic and financial situations that brought about such a large gathering. |
On an average day in the city, you can catch mini-ads plastered all over street poles and walls by "street teams" (groups assigned by record labels to market music artists on a grassroots level.) If some of these hip hop artists partnered up with action groups to promote social awareness when it comes to education about issues like the budget cuts, increase in the prison budget, outrageous Rockefellar Drug Laws, or a range of other issues, via street teams, the overall effect of the crowd would have been stronger. It's obvious that the hip hop industry has kids' attention; now, it is only a matter of DOING something with it. Educate! Educate! Educate! It's one to thing to show moral support and then another to show action. My humble suggestion? Flood kids with education on what's going on in their world until they can't stand listening anymore and decide to get up and do something. One of
the more interesting ironies that I overheard, was a police officer
talking to members of the crowd, stating that kids of a certain age
should not have been out of school, despite the situation. Yet there
seemed to be no complaint when Giuliani called on city students to cut
school a couple of years back for the New York Yankees parade. A baseball
parade versus an education rally...and education gets the boot?
Apparently, this action taken by the police shows that priorities are
still in the wrong place in terms of form cognition for our city's youth. |
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