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AIDS Walk New York has been a vanguard in the fight against AIDS for nearly two decades. In the past 16 years, its raised nearly 70 million dollars, as most of the money raised goes to the GMHC (Gay Mens Health Crisis), the nation's oldest and most comprehensive AIDS Service organization. Portions of the aggregate proceeds from AIDS Walk go to 60 other AIDS programs in New York City, as well.
Most of the people interviewed at the event preferred to not include their names, but still had interesting things to contribute to this article. Asked why they decided to walk, they all said in one way or another that it was just a good thing to do. Brandeis High Schools Gay and Lesbian Club President commented, I walk for my mother. I walk for my two cousins. I walk for all the kids my age that have AIDS. He also said in the course of this conversation that he gave money to the walk, to other organizations, and to the benefit of children he knows with AIDS. He concludes, I walk because it is the right thing to do.
To Find Out More Info, Check Out These Links... AIDS Walk New York GMHC |
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