This summer on June 29, 2007 we bump into the Starliters Pathfinder Club getting ready to go up state New York on a camping retreat, which they are staying for three days. So before they loaded their bus up and go, Harlem Live was on there job and stop them to ask some questions.
We had interviewed 4 people who were ready to stop and feel us with some information. Students name Bryan Edwards, Christina Callwood, Cassandra Mondesir, and one of the adult advisers Janice Callwood.
In this camp that is located inside the Ephesus Church of seventh day Adventist, between 123 and 124 on Lenox Ave these kids are having a good time where they can learn survive methods such as starting and putting out fires, how to swim and etc. They also learning how to bond with many other different types of people and cultures cause Starliters is an International program, and every year they have a chance to meet with different type of people. At this Club they also learn how to work hard to receive different titles cause at this place the kids have different titles which depends on how hard the kids work to get it. You have the Friends (they learn how to start and put out fires, and swimming) you have the Companions (they learn how to explore and do drills) The Master Rangers (they teach the Companion and the friends on swimming and etc.) The Team Leadership training (they prepare to become leaders.) and the Master Guides (and they are the directors.)
This program was established in 1930 by chair board from a North Eastern converses within the church. This program started out to keep kids off the streets and inspire them to stay strong in achieve all, well learning about god. Every night they have something in the church to teach the people about god. You have the Young Missionary Comity (they learn and talk about god. The Programs (is the Friday watch light) they also have Praise and Worship night (where they come in and praise god in honor him.) They also a night where a preacher comes in, and inspire the people with the word of god.

You can catch them in the church almost every day of the week in this summer. They are also looking for more kids to join the camp. So stop by one day to see what the camp is all about. You also can catch the camp on September 17 at the African Day pride every year marching down the streets of Harlem with there drum line and a crew full of people happy about there culture. |