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It's a Thrill To Be Alive
by: Damali Slowe
Photos by Kamal


Volunteer operated, community based overnight event
Goals and purposes (explained by Calvin Martin)
1) Brings community together in fight against cancer
2) Bring awareness to the community, especially Harlem where cancer is rampant
3) Raise money which goes to
-Efficacy (lobbying for laws: helping those non-insured/ underinsured)
-Research (for all types of cancer)
Sequence of events
“Third annual relay is a big honor, especially for survivors”
Survivors walk until 10 a.m.
Because of bad whether they were inside the ________
People spend the night
Entertainment (music/cards/singers)
Caterers donated their services (from Harlem & lower part of 97thstreet) Raised 80,000 last year hope for 100,000 this year
Research targets Afro & Hispanics neighborhoods

John Prayer (survivor)
-He lives on 45th street / 76-year old/ retired florist
-6 year Survivor of Kidney cancer
-He is there because of the cause; he says, “ its such a thrill to be alive”
-Found hope in his family and God
Gwendolyn Timmons (survivor)
-Resides in Brooklyn /retired music teacher /age: senior citizen
-Had breast cancer which was removed
-Is there because she Supports the cancer society, and knows how widespread cancer is. Is apart of the NY coral society (home in Carnegie hall), when she told them she had breast cancer they because her “support group”. They found 10% of their members were cancer survivors. They have become more aware.
-Hopes money raises a lot of awareness
-Coping: Upon being diagnosed she was shocked the accepted it. She was aided by her faith and knowledge of people who survived.
William Jordan Jr. (spectator)
-Lives in Brooklyn /58 years old works in real Estate
-Participating because: he is with prince Hall Mason’s Lodge
His mother ad father had cancer
-He hopes to raise awareness

Calvin Martin (official/survivor)
-Lives here in Harlem
-Survived prostate cancer “ if it wasn’t for research I wouldn’t be alive”
-Head chairperson (what is the name of the organization)
- Created “Brother to Brother” support group in Harlem, for male cancer sufferers, which meets monthly. (212) 663-8801 ext 9100. Strongly feels African American community needs to be more aware, especially African American men who are most likely to get prostate cancer, and to get it earlier than their Caucasian counterparts.
- He is the Grand Master (overseas operations) at Prince Hall Mason’s Lodge in NY it’s a predominantly African American Lodge that does benevolent work. His participation encouraged others to come and support like William Jordan Jr.
-Personally: he was devastated when he found out he had cancer. His survival was not contingent upon hope, but on his dedication to taking action. The other men he knew with cancer either found out to late or did nothing and died.

Dianne Henderson (646) 232 3355
Head chairperson of survivor committee
Challenge getting everyone “on one accord”
Needs visual organization
Tries to let others be creative.


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