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GOOD MOORING New York. That's how I feel every morning when I wake up. Tuesday, September 11, 2001, the day that changed everything, I pretty much planned to go school, goof around in class and hang out with my friends after school, which is located in downtown Manhattan. By the time I got to school it was around 8:45. I walked in to calculus class kind of late, so the teacher took me outside telling me that I can't being showing up late in the beginning of the school year. The moment I stepped back into the class, some teacher walks in and tells us, "The World Trade Center has been bombed." I was yelling out "that's bullshit." He turned on the radio and everyone in the whole class just got silent and was glued to what was broadcast on the radio. I took the bathroom pass, and went up to the 11th floor of my school. When I got there I saw the first tower go down. It was like something out of the movie "Independence Day." As soon as I witnessed that I went back down and tried reading the site I work on with teens throughout New York City, Harlemlive. Unfortunately, the phones were down. I couldn't get in contact. But then my friends and I cut school in the middle of the day, thinking we could get out and go home. But I had other plans. Next thing my friends and I heard was that all subways were closed. So we started to walk uptown. It was around 11:30 am. The whole area was filled with smoke. I ran downtown to see what was going on. When I got there, everyone else was running uptown. I was thinking about all the people trapped inside the buildings and the people in the planes. Now, my only problem was how do I get home? It took a long time, but when I got there, I called my family and friends to see if everyone was OK. I still don't believe that this is happened. It is still processing in my head. |
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