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 What Went On Black Solidarity Day?

By Obatunji McKnight


As I approached the African Burial Ground I had misgivings concerning the publicity that this event would receive, and how it would be used. But I was completely reassured that all intentions were pure when I met the man leading this event, Dr. Russle. I found him to be one of the most dedicated, focused, and committed man I have ever met. I spoke with him briefly amid chants and tribal drums where he seemed to be completely at ease.

Since I knew very little about this event, he promptly filled me in. This is the thirtieth anniversary of the Black Solidarity Day. 'It is a day designed to bring together black people and the perspective of their ideological beliefs. The objective comes from the notion that we are still psychologically enslaved to the European conceptual framework. In 1969 when black folks were being killed all over this country, some thought it was necessary to respond. There was a play by Douglas Turner Ward called "The Day of Absence". In that play, blacks disappeared. It illustrated what happened when black people are not involved. This country was built on the backs of blacks', free labor. We were enslaved and what one is saying is if you know tomorrow is election day… Black Solidarity Day was designed the day before election day. It's a means of saying we are able to shut down this city and impact it economically to force it to deal with the issues of black people. Those issues are one that we ultimately hope will help us to move into the twenty-first century in such a way that we as a people will forever live.'


Poetically put in my humble opinion. He spoke with a quiet dignity and genuine concern amid all the noise and action around him and yet, in his own manner, showed the urgency of his cause. I believe he had many valid points that struck a true note with the way society is being run.

There are some who will say, "What can I do, I am only one person?" But, if all you single persons unite and act together, we can make our presence felt and have our issues dealt with. So for all you out there wanting to make a difference in the new millennium, next year on the day before election day, stay home, don't use public transportation, don't buy anything from the store and let the world know we will not be ignored.





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