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Date posted:06-28-02

Race In Digital Space Conference
by Eddie Aung
photos by Bernard Baffoe


In today's digital age, what seemed impossible to do for us years ago is possible for us today. Technology or the digital bridge, as it is called, is narrowing the gap between all people of various ethnic, race, and classes. People are able to describe their ideas and thoughts using technology towards each other. This is the sole intention of the Race in Digital Space conference held at Sony Wonder Technology Lab on 56th Street. The conference was held in conjunction with the first conference on Digital Tech at MIT in 2001. There the participating artists in the conference showed the digital medium is a space to talk about race, culture, and let people to interact with each other.

The presentation that caught me was Pamela Jennings' Solitaire Dream Journal. It was created as a game. However, it is not a simple game. There are objects hidden in the game that portrays contemporary issues such as race and ethnicity. Pictures and noises are included in the project as signals to tell the player what is about to happen. The game offers people the chance to create their own story and learn about race and culture. Pamela, who is assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University, said, "Technology can be turned to use for other things." Well those other things become more interesting with Tana Hargest's projects that were mock representations of contemporary issues. Tana wanted to show how people interact with each other through consumer culture. The media strengthened this connection in terms, where everyone has the chance to describe him or herself.
Leah Gilliam who is assistant professor of Film and Electronic Arts, Division of the Arts, Bard College, presented another intersting project. The project, which took her more than two years, came from watching TV. Yes…. watching TV. She noticed how creative media has become and how fast the environment is changing. Noticing that it would be a great way to include that idea in her project, she created movies using digital editing techniques. Using some scenes from Planet of the Apes, she showed how apes and humans interact with each other because of technological effects, which is a representation of how digital media can connect between two people from extreme edges making them interact with each other and share cultures and traditions. Related Links:
With the advent of the Internet, people around the world had the chance to communicate with people from other continents of the world. Different cultures participate in online chat rooms and share their opinions on poster boards. Digital media has become so prevalent and powerful that it has the ability not only to connect people but also to connect their emotions, feelings, and views. The issue of color and ethnicity disappears in digital space. It becomes a very useful medium to connect with everyone and overcome the stereotypical traits of race and culture. As the title of the conference, Race in Digital Space, everybody should be racing to get a hold of the power of digital media to expand their horizons and even make their dreams come true by interacting with a variety of people, sharing thoughts, and creating new ideas.

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