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HarlemLive Raises Funds
in Mothers' Day Raffle

The Winning Basket HarlemLive conducted a small fundraiser to raise money for subway and taxi fares, cassette tapes, batteries, pizza for our late nights, repairs to our messenger bikes, press badges, stamps, software, etc.

This was our second attempt to drum up support. Our first was a bake sale last November, spearheaded by staff member, Malik Wilson, pictured left.

Ms Muhammad created a beautiful basket from Donations by parents of Antigonee Hawkins and Kerly Suffren. The winning ticket went to Carmen Echevarria, and was sold by Michael Blanco.

The raffle brought in over $190 for HarlemLive.

We are now embarking on a larger quest. We would like to send some of our students to Stockholm, Sweden, to accept their finalist award from the Global Bangemann Challenge.

HarlemLive is an all volunteer organization. We have existed for nearly three years without funding. If anyone knows how they can help .... please contact us.


The winning ticket

Laura Cespedes calls the winner.


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