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YouthBuild, a comprehensive youth and community development program as well as an alternative school for low income young people ages 16 to 24 who have dropped out of school and want to rebuild their lives and communities, had their annual show in the last week of October. It is hosted every year and has been going on for about 20 years. It started about 1:00 pm and had many famous people there such as Omar Epps and other actors from the movie "In Too Deep." Most of them were giving out their autographs and talking about the event. YouthBuild consists of counseling, education, leadership development and graduate services. The program is a lively experience for youths who dropped out of high school and want another chance in life. The program is diverse with Puerto Ricans, African Americans and and European. There were some workers there that were on the stage supplying the music and others were organizers of the event. The security was provided by the muslims and the NYPD and it was tight, being that there were famous faces there. It was a enjoyable event and we saw plenty of different faces. AS A YOUTHBUILD MEMBER The typical youthbuild americorps member is a young person between the ages of 16 and 24 who seeks a way to makes a positive personal change and a contribution to the community. About 75 percent of members have not completed high school. Those who are already graduates want to improve their academic skills.Each member spends approximately one year performing housing construction and other community service projects, studying for the GED or college and developing leadership abilities.
SITES ARE LOCATED IN THE FOLLOWING CITIES: My Reflections By Doalexys Polanco My experience was an educational one because I learned that there was an organization who came to communities and helps build apartment buildings for people to live in.. It was good to see a big crowd of multi-cultural people having fun and hanging out together. There were Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, Blacks and even white people at this event all together in unity. Also
there seemed to be a lot of different types of events going on. For
example, there were dancers giving a performance on the stage, they
had 2 Kung-Fu masters who was going to perform Martial arts in front
of everybody. They had several different contests like water in a
wheel barrel race which involved the theme of construction. |
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