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The Double Discovery Center, also known as DDC., was founded in 1965 by Columbia University students. It is a not-for-profit organization and serves over one thousand low-income and first generation college bound youth; that attend New York City junior and senior high schools each year. Its' goal is to reach out to Harlem Youth and to prepare them for college. DDC is located on the Columbia University campus;which is located in the Harlem community. DDC houses two precollege programs ;which offer year-round services to the youth and young adults; between the ages of twelve and twenty-seven. The two programs that make up DDC are Upward Bound and Talent Search. Upward Bound
Talent Search Created at DDC in 1977, the Talent Search Program provides year-round academics and career preparation services to over eight hundred middle school, high school and young adults annually. Their academic program helps over one hundred middle school students, over five hundred high school students and young adults, attend counseling and information workshops, tutoring and SAT preparation. Nearly two hundred students receive program services; run by staff and volunteers in local schools, churches, and community centers. The DDC is federally funded proqgram; located through out the United States. There are many right here in New York City. The DDC philosophy is "Study Hard." They expect you to "rfrrrrrrr". DDC encourages exploration of one's self and the world around. They encourage their students not to limit themselves. DDC also encourages Alumni to give back to the program that helped them. Some of the Alumni, since leaving DDC,, have attended colleges and universities; such as Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and Columbia.Internships are given to students regularly; which helps the students gain work experience for future employment. DDC has help to create opportunies for an entire community of young people. For a program that just started out as a volunteer project, it sure has taken off. Find out more about at Columbia. |
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