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Talent Search Gives Kids Second Chance

by Obatunji McKnight
Photos by Jamael Skeete


On my way to building 555 west on 57th street I had many questions on my mind about the Talent Search Program. I tried to answer my own questions based on the assumption that Talent Search was some kind of a music program. I have a musical background and I felt I would paticularly enjoy this interview because I thought I would be able to relate. Upon my arrival I knew that all my before observations were incorrect and every question I had wanted to ask was not completely pointless. But being my ever resourceful self I was prepared to „wing it¾. As the interview progressed I realized that I would have to do nothing of the sort because the people I met embodied professionalism. They showed that they were no nonsense and at the same time they felt strongly about ensuring the future of our youth. Anthony Gumbs (Program Counselor), Ingrid Gomez (Program Counselor) and Josefina Codonre (Program Director) gave clear and very precise details about their program and its goals. Anthony, and Ingrid both have backgrounds with TRIO programs. Their program Talent Search is a part of TRIO which is a public service of the Council for Opportunity in Education. Talent Search began in 1992 and has been in existence for 7 years and is still a relatively young program. TRIO on the other hand had been around as early as 1965. TRIO also has programs at other colleges spread throughout the country.
Talent Search provides tutoring programs for students from grades 6-12. They help students prepare for college by teaching them skills they will need to use in and after college. Talent Search is a program designed to help first generation as well as low income familes. They tutor in all subjects and also give Sat and Regents prep workshops. They service many schools in the city such as Park West HS, Westside HS, Enviromental Studies, Coalition, and Fredrick Douglas Academy to name a few. They have held workshops teaching how to fill out college applications and they also give trips to various college campuses. Everyone I met showed a genuine concern for ensuring their charges futures. I feel this program is a huge benefit to children and teenagers. The TRIO prgrams collectively has an estimated 2 million college graduates. College graduates not acceptance that mean all these kids have graduated and moved on to make a living. Its a staggering number thats sure to grow as the years go by. This is a program you want you kids to get into. I would highly recommend it for students having trouble with school and to anyone worried about college or desiring college acceptances.


Educational Talent Search Program John Jay College of Criminal Justice 555 West 57th Street, Suite 600 New York, NY 10019 212-237-8268 212-237-8906(fax) email: igomez@jjay.cuny.edu


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