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 Strive for Success
by: Tameeka Mitchen
pictures by: Jahmal Severin


If you walked into one of the workshops in STRIVE you'd probably think you walked straight into an executive meeting filled with well dressed, well mannered, confident, people brimming with pride. You would never guess that 3 weeks ago these very same people had low self-esteem, were shy, and had no sense of direction. Thanks to this great program they now have the determination to walk outside and face the world. STRIVE, is a non-profit organization located on 136th street between 7th and 8th avenue right in the center of Harlem.



STRIVE is dedicated to the idea of providing jobs for people who are willing to work. I emphasize "will" because "will" is exactly what STRIVE is all about and that is exactly what you have to have in order to survive in this program as well as the real world.

If you walked into one of the workshops and saw the smiling faces of joy and families filled with glee for their loved ones as they accept their certificate, chances are you walked in on graduation day. And like anyone who has ever achieved anything in his or her life, you know how hard it was for you to do what you did and how great you felt having accomplished it. That is exactly the feeling to the people who have come to STRIVE and have graduated.

work areaThe achievement that these people have gained did not come without blood, sweat, and tears. The 3 week program at STRIVE is no joke. Its intensive boot camp-like environment is one of the most realistic and emotional self-help programs out here.


For many of the people here, STRIVE has been a vehicle for divine intervention and deliverance. "This program has given me a sense of pride and confidence I didn't have before" said Phylicia Brown, an alumni and administrative assistant at STRIVE.

Like others before her, Phylicia wasn't happy with her life and decided to make a drastic change. She walked into the doors of STRIVE and changed the course of her future. "I was constantly unhappy with the work I was doing," Phylicia explains. "I'd get a job and work at it for a couple of months and then as soon as it got tedious and stressful I would quit."

wall of strivePhylicia's story was not all that uncommon according to STRIVE. "We get people from all walks of life, unemployed people, people on welfare, homeless people, nomads, teenagers, and just some people who have loss their direction in life," explained Maria Forbes, another alumni of STRIVE and present employee.


But all of STRIVE'S help doesn't come without expectations. STRIVE is very serious about what they expect from the participants of their program.

As a member of the program you are required to do the following:

Ö You are to show up every morning on time. No excuses.

Ö You are to dress to impress meaning come in everyday like you are dressing for work. Because you are.

Ö You are to speak when called on, participate, and work hard.

Now it is understandable that it sounds like high school all over again, but in a way it is. They are there to learn, observe, pick up new skills, and do away with old habits. However harsh STRIVE may sound to some, they do nothing without having the person's best interest in mind. They will work hard for you, they will help you to find outsideemployment, they will stick with you to the end, but you have to do willing to do the work it takes to get you a job.

You must be thinking that with all of this, what does it cost me? Absolutely nothing. STRIVE is free, it's paid for by private and corporate donations. All you have to do is show up and be ready to work.

While I was doing research on this article, I began to think about all the organizations in the world whose main goal it is to help people and to make a difference in people's lives. I can honestly say that I have never seen a program quite like STRIVE. It gave me a glimpse of what is possible and what as human beings we are capable if we put our minds and wallets to it. STRIVE has given hope to over thousands of people who had given up on it and for that they truly are remarkable.


If you would like to contact STRIVE you can call or fax them at these numbers.

TEL (212) 360-1100

FAX (212) 360-5634


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