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When I interviewed one of the award recipients, Ms. Ann S. Kheel, she spoke about what the role of The Urban League is. She said, "The Urban League's priority is to reach out to the youth and offer equal opportunity. They have been doing so for many years, because they're in a field that can reach people. They have the power of communication to reach the younger people". Ms. Kheel detailed how The Urban League has set up after school programs and scholarships with the money from fundraisers to help those who deserve to take another step. The Urban League ensures these opportunities equally so people can't be denied the chance they deserve because of their minority status.
One of Rev. Taylor's most difficult times occurred when the church that he led for so many years burned down. Throughout the whole episode the reverend didn't lose faith. In 1932 The Urban League helped to rebuild the church. Today the reverend still motivates crowds at his church just as strong as years before.
The Frederick Douglass Awards Ceremony gave a taste of the melting
pot of many important people. They have and continue to try their
best to achieve the perfect recipe for equality, peace and justice.
visit their website @ www.nyul.org |
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