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Children Contribute Art To Senior Garden

by Shem Rajoon
Photographs by Jahad Bilal

Edited by Tiffany Santiago

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Brief Slide Show


two ladies sitting on a benchThe Senior Citizens Sculpture Garden Park, at 153rd street, celebrated the Youth Mural Project. We met a lot of people who helped out at the garden and some people who stopped by to take a look at the beautiful lot.

Fence ArtWhen we arrived, we met Miss Catkin Bacon. She was a nice lady. She knew a lot of people. She even helped Jahad, our photographer, take pictures of the plants, statues, gazebo, pond, and people . She said she was present because the children and the people from the garden invited her to help make a mural. The mural is a life size cut out of children mounted on the garden fences. The children traced themselves out of plywood. Then they painted the plywood with colors that they liked. Young people and seniors became partners as they joined in garden and mural activites.

plants and a statuePolice Officer Vilorio was one of New Yorks finest who provided security for the gardan party that day. Officer Vilorio has been in the police business for five years. He took kids to see his police car, and the kids enjoyed speaking on the microphone.

from the invitation "Standing Together":

Senior Citizens Sculpture Garden Park

In only 3 years this site has been transformed from a lot used for dumping and drug trafficking into a vibrant, inclusive community garden . Today , the garden reflects the southern agricultural root and african agrarian creativity of the senior gardeners. The gardeners lovingly cultivate and harvest corp such as grapers, tomatoes and beans.

This garden is the fruit of a cross -generational collaboration which encourages reflection and celebration of ethnic heritage and the environment.


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