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Arts&Culture/People DatePosted: 2/1/06

28 years in 28 days (2005)
HarlemLIVE Staff

Over the past 28 years many valuable/notable members of the African American community have passed away. For the 28 days of Black History Month HarlemLIVE's staff will be presenting several people who've died each year.

Benjamin O. Davis Jr.

Benjamin O. Davis Jr. was the first African American General in the United States Air force. Born December 18th 1912, Davis attended the university of Chicago and then WestPoint in 1932. The fourth African American to graduate the academy, Davis went on to marry Agatha Scott. In 1942 Davis completed an airman’s course at the Tuskegee Army air field and was promoted to lieutenant colonel, commander of the 99th pursuit squadron. He later became a lieutenant general in 1965 and was awarded the rank of full general in 199 though he had retired in 1970. Throughout his career he earned many military decorations including the Air force Distinguished Service Medal, the Philippine Legion of Honor, and the Silver Star. Davis even published an autobiography titled “Benjamin O. Davis Jr.: American”. He passed away on July 4th.

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