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He spent four years as commissioner during this period of time crime was reduced in record breaking numbers that haven't been seen since thirty years ago. Yet the investigations of such cases as the Abner Louima assault, and the shooting of Amadou Diallo, and, recently the Patrick Dorismond shooting have always over shadowed all his work. The Rev Al Sharpton has said that "His leaving will not cause any regret at all in our community" Many people agreed that he would not be missed for the fact that they feel that behind those incidents he was the one telling them to use aggressive tactics and he tolerated many violent police officers in the department.
The people I interviewed in the neighborhoods said that they were glad to see that he was leaving. One of the people I interviewed Marie a student at John F Kennedy High and resident of Manhattan said that "He didn't get involved that much with the community and he wasn't very good when it came to listening to other peoples opinion". She, like many other people wish that the next commissioner will be willing to listen to the people and see the situation of each community.
Almost every person I interviewed said that the next commissioner should be way better than Schafir was. People like Jack Atals a advertising sales person and a Manhattan resident said the next commissioner should be more compassionate, more understanding to the needs of the diverse communities, he should have a good amount of experience as police officer and he must be willing to serve and listen to people of whom his officers are protecting The way I see it is if Shafir said that crime drop under his ruling then maybe the next commissioner can have better relations to the people of New York while reducing crime. |
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