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Two Poets, Two Eras
by:Aminah Roberts

From 1920 to 1930 the Harlem Renaissance took place. It was a time when many African -Americans produced creative works of art such as paintings and poems. Through these genres, African Americans were able to express their culture and heritage in very creative ways. The Harlem Renaissance resulted from the migration of African-Americans to the North from 1919 to 1926 along with the rise of distinguished black intellectuals such as Marcus Garvey, founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) and editor of The Crisis magazine W.E.B. Du Bois.

Langston Hughes was an eminent Harlem Renaissance poet. He was born in Joplin, Missouri and later moved to Lincoln, Illinois at age thirteen where he began to write his poetry. Hughes had unique jobs while in Mexico and at Columbia University such as assistant cook, launderer, bus boy, and seaman traveling to Africa and Europe. Langston moved to Washington, D.C. in 1924 The Weary Blues, his first book of poetry was published two years afterwards. Hughes is renown for his portrayals of the lives of black people from the twenties to the sixties. In contrast to other Harlem Renaissance poets, Langston boldly refused to separate his experiences from that of many others. He was in addition to being a poet, a novelist and a playwright. It is also known that his passion for jazz had an influence on his writings in Montage of a Dream Deferred. He died May 22, 1967 from prostate cancer and he will also be acknowledged as a great poet. His old residence on 127th Street is now a monument, and a section of the area was named “Langston Hughes Place”.


Maya Angelou is a well-known poet of this time. She too is a native of Missouri but was born April 4, 1928 in the city of St. Louis. This intellectual is also an author, historian, civil rights activist, playwright, dancer, copyright, director, performer, and singer. Following Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s advice, she became the northern coordinator for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Angelou was associate editor of The Arab Observer from 1961 to 1962. In 1964, Angelou became feature editor of the African Review and seventeen years later she became Reynolds Professor of American Studies. This job would last her for a lifetime. Angelou is also the first black female director in Hollywood, she wrote the original screenplay and musical score for the film Georgia in 1971. Additionally, she has written several prize-winning documentaries such as Afro-Americans in Arts and was nominated for two Tony awards in her Broadway debut Look Away (1973) and her performance in Roots (1977).

Both Maya Angelou and Langston Hughes have much in common. Both intellectuals deeply dive into the subject of the discrimination that Blacks nationally face in the United States and even internationally with Hughes using poetry and Angelou taking it a step further, by becoming a civil rights activist. The two of them are not only poets but have produced many creative works with such examples as Why Does the Caged Bird Sing? (Maya Angelou) and Don’t You Want to Be Free? (Langston Hughes). Their love of music has also helped their careers with Hughes’ poetry being influenced by jazz and Angelou being a performer of arts.

Whether part of the Harlem Renaissance or in modern time, many renown and talented Black poets have risen to the surface. Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou are both well known for their extensive works of art. Their creativity and use of certain subjects made them very famous. In time, more poets will be born, and they will continue the legacy just as Hughes, Angelou and other gifted individuals have.

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