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Election 2000/ Gun Control

The Fight Over the Use of Gun Control

by Magaly Rivera


Gun control is one of the biggest issues that burdens a lot of communities. There have been many incidents with guns in which many people have been murdered, children have accidentally been shot by their siblings, and many robberies involve a gun. Amaduo Diallo was shot forty one times, you'd figure by the third or fourth shot they'll stop to see if he was injured, but they shot to kill. When actions like this occur these issues need to be addressed, in that case whose opinion is worth more than the year 2000's candidates.

Al Gore and George. W Bush both running for president and both with opinions that concerns us, the people of the United States. Gun control being the most important issue (in my opinion) so is the Presidential election. What do they stand for when it comes to this issue and how do they plan on breaking down on this gun spree is what really matters.

Al Gore says, "We stood up to the gun lobby, to pass the Brady and ban assault weapons. We didn't take a singal gun away from a singal hunter or sportsman. But we stopped half a million felons, fugitives, and stalkers from buying guns". Is this really cracking down on the gun violence or is it trying. Al Gore believes that he should increase penalties for gun related crimes, hire new federal, state and local gun prosecutors to get criminals behind bars, federal licensed sellers to report gun sales and ban concealed weapons from places of worship. Is this what we need? Is this important? Al Gore seems to have an agenda of what we need to do. I agree with him when he say, "that penalties should be increased."

Let's say a prisoner commits a robbery with a gun and injures five people. He or she gets sentenced for ten years for example and came out in six because he or she behaved so well. This is unrealistic; this is a crime you don't help the criminal. Why place the criminal behind bars and because they behaved well they allow him or her to be released early. Also knowing who owns what type of gun is important as well new federal, state and local sale reporters would do some good.

Bush, being another candidate has a different agenda and a different point of view. Bush believes we need to enforce gun laws, increase the age for possession of a handgun from 18 to 21, semiautomatic assault weapons ban for juveniles, support child safety locks for all handguns. All these deeds are important but lets get serious, does it really matter the age you buy a gun from a shop, you may just know a friend or two. Child safety locks are very important but is it only the safety lock that matters or do the parents have accountability for some of that responsibility on keeping the children in their household safe.

Banning semi-autos may be a good idea but once again you just may know a friend. If I were 18 and could vote, I would vote for Al Gore. He seems to have a little more common sense on how to calm down this gun spree situation. I can relate more to Al Gore than Bush. His agenda seems more concrete and stable. So people, make sure you know whom you are voting for and that you can relate to him. The reason why he stands is not only benefiting you but your family as well.


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