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Community/Pulse of the People/Election/Voting

International Affairs
Who Will I Choose?

by Karmen Baez


I am not one of politics, but if I were I would have to be a Democrat. I would have to stay for the people. In this case where the election seems to get closer to whom our next chosen leader will be. I would have to say that I would vote for vice president Al Gore.

Concentrating on the subject of international affairs/foreign policy. I am basing my whole decision of choice, on that subject. I would have to say that the best choice for presidency would have to be Gore. There is so much chaos that is occuring pass the United States that I believe we as a nation of domination and strength would have a strong influence on creating peace and structure. We have a great on many different countries around the world. I believe that if we have a strong leader, who believes in creating peace, as the people of the U.S. believe then we just might see the long awaited peace in the Middle East. Gore is a man who I believe will help us do this.

Gore has worked side by side with President Clinton through his years in office, having a one on one experience with the problems that have been occuring. He was able to put his input and listen closely to the ideas of those surrounding him. These ideas can be used and put in progress for when he takes his position in office. Gore has many plans that he wishes to put in place that will only unite us as a world and make us a strong nation. His agenda for office include, fighting terrorism, safe guarding nuclear arsenals, having military interventions and making new markets abroad. The fact is Gore has the experience to make these changes happen.

Every candidate has his or her good and bad points. In this issue George Bush was very weak. He didn't have much to say nor could he figure out what he wanted to do to improve foreign policy in our society. He did begin by talking about changes in trade and democratic peace. His main argument was basically that we have to stay involve in world issues. Well, obviously we have to do that because it's a huge issue, I think as many other Americans would say, what exactly should we stay involved in or try to change.

I don't think Bush was as passionate or concerned about an issue as foreign policy, which is a very important issue. For example when he was asked about what happen in Lebanon: In 1984, president Reagen sent 1,200 troops to help stabilize Lebanon. Bush answered, "Yes" as appose to Gore, who at least gave a complete sentence, "I supported that". To me that sounded a little more interested then just plain old "Yes". I felt that there was much more of a concern on Gore's part. My vote would have to go to a complete sentence, Vice President Al Gore.


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