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community/pulse of the people
November 5, 2002

Should Smoking be
Banned at Bars and Clubs?

Interviews by Shireen Gooding and Alex Rabin
Photos by Christophe Palmer


New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg, has proposed that smoking be banned from bars, clubs and restaurants. For non-smokers, it will mean they will not have to endure clouds of smoke or smell and inhale smoke while eating or dancing in all the NYC venues. However, for people who do smoke this is appalling.

Will individuals who smoke stop smoking if this becomes law? Will people who don't smoke go to more bars, clubs and restaurants knowing they won't come home smelling like an ashtray? People who are asthmatic can go to these places and no longer have to undergo the aggravation of second hand smoke. But many otherwise innocent people might be in trouble with the law for furtively smoking in these places and striving with their addiction. Since this issue intrigued HarlemLIVE we decided to go out on the streets and ask The Pulse of the People.

Name: Tyrone Rose
Age: 30
Resident: Harlem
Occupation: Clerk

Links for further reading:

Do you smoke and if so how long ?

Well, due to complaints and along with the raise in the price of cigarettes, Bloomberg plans to ban smoking in restaurants and bars. How do u feel about this; do u think its necessary ?
I think Bloomberg is trying to set an example for people. However, I think people are entitled to smoke when they want and Bloomberg is very aggressive. So I don't agree with what he's doing.

If you don't already, will you increase your outings to bars, restaurants, etc ? Yea, I'll continue to go to restaurants and stuff. It never stopped me before.

Name: Reginald Morton
Age: 42
Resident: Harlem
Occupation: Exterminator
Do you smoke and if so how long ?
Yes, since I was 16
Well, due to complaints and along with the raise in the price of cigarettes, Bloomberg plans to ban smoking in restaurants and bars. How do u feel about this; do u think its necessary ?
It's going to be hard for Bloomberg to do that because it means many establishments can and will lose business. Lets say for example that I wanted to go to a club or bar, I know if I can't I won't go. So I totally disagree with Bloomberg and feel that he really ain't hurtin' anybody with what he's trying to do. People are always going find a way around things anyway, especially the young people.

Will this stop you from smoking ?
I feel I do need to stop smoking, but if I do eventually quit it wont be because of Bloomberg and his laws.

Name: Tyrone Stewart
Age: 37
Resident: Queens
Occupation: Police officer

Do you smoke and if so how long ?

Well, due to complaints and along with the raise in the price of cigarettes, Bloomberg plans to ban smoking in restaurants and bars. How do u feel about this; do u think its necessary ?
Yes its necessary. If people want to smoke they can smoke, but when it starts interfering with other people; other smokers, then the government has the right to put laws in effect to restrict that.

If you don't already, will you increase your outings to bars, restaurants, etc?
I go to restaurants and stuff and I'll continue to go, but I'd rather people not smoke.

Name: Robert Wynn
Age: 65
Residence: Manhattan
Occupation: Retired

Do you smoke cigarettes ?
No I don't smoke cigarettes.

What do you think about the new change Bloomberg wants to make ?
It is harsh on smokers to totally ban smoking. I cannot understand the effects that banning smoking will have by not allowing smoking.

What effects will be caused by Bloomberg's motives ?
The changes will result a difference in social policies and economy. Less people will come to the business, and it will change the economy.

If you smoke now, will you still smoke if the ban goes into place ?
If you don't smoke will you now go to clubs restaurants and bars ?
There will not be any difference.
Name: Zach
Age: 50
Residence: Manhattan
Occupation: Government

Do you smoke cigarettes ?
No I don't smoke cigarettes.

What do you think about the new change Bloomberg wants to make ?
I am in favor of the change because of my asthmatic problems. Though I understand what it does to smokers, since I have friends who smoke.

What effects will be caused by Bloomberg's motives ?
I don't know because I don't know his motives.

If you smoke now, will you still smoke if the ban goes into place? If you don't smoke will you know go to clubs restaurants and bars
There will be no change.
Name: Catherine Winfield
Age: 86
Residence: Manhattan
Occupation: Retired

Do you smoke cigarettes ?
No I don't smoke cigarettes.

What do you think about the new change Bloomberg wants to make ?
Good because it will improve a lot of peoples health by ending a lot of second hand smoking.

What effects will be caused by Bloomberg's motives
The effects will be health wise.

If you smoke now, will you still smoke if the ban goes into place? If you don't smoke will you know go to clubs restaurants and bars ?
Yes, I will go to more clubs, restaurants, and bars because I will feel more comfortable.
Name: Alexander Bent
Age: 28
Residence: Manhattan
Occupation: Court Reporter

Do you smoke cigarettes ?
No I don't smoke cigarettes.

What do you think about the new change Bloomberg wants to make
Not good because that excludes smokers from an area to smoke. They deserve their own space, as do non-smokers.

What effects will be caused by Bloomberg's motives ?
The effect is more people will break the law, especially in clubs.

If you smoke now, will you still smoke if the ban goes into place? If you don't smoke will you know go to clubs restaurants and bars ?
There will be no change.

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