By Angel Colon
The very first Harlem Board game Harlem Us All was
made by Vicky Golhson. She made the game up because the school
system is not teaching enough about the black history and
The game is mainly about Harlem itself. The
board game is based on the Africans who came to Harlem from
down south to make a better living but also made history.
When Vicky made the game she knew something was missing
maybe a better view maybe a life size game. The life size
game includes three foot houses and knee high dice. The game
also comes with fun facts, trivia questions, and
Vicky would love to sell the game to the
schools of New York and maybe even to Toys 'R Us. With the
money she gets back she would like to make more games. The
game was made to make school more fun. Some stuff that is in
the game like rent, landlord's, first aid, police, firemen,
etc are just like real life.
Vicky would love to see seniors play the game
because they think they know everything.
What is the difference between your board game and
In the game monopoly you have to get as
much money and property as you
can and in Harlem Us All you have
to get as much information as you can get and as many
resources and money as you can receive.
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