Operating businesses, scheduling events, publishing newsletters, learning leadership and computer skills . . . the list goes on, and it's all made possible by the Institute for Youth Entrepreneurship.
This afterschool program gives students hands on experience in running their own businesses and in making decisions that affect outcomes and produce profits. Students learn personal finance, investment opportunities, stock market analysis, and other economic concepts. Their training includes job shadowing, field trips, and mentoring. The adults work as guides, facilitators,and councelors to the youth ages 12 to 18.
"I'm here because I want to work on a newspaper and this is a good start," said Saphaire Lorick, editor of The Harlem Informer.
IYE offers several courses throughout the week, such as computers, job preparation, SAT preparation, Graphic Arts, and Money Management. These courses are a prerequisite to assisting the student run businesses, which include New York Colors Greeting Cards, Harlem Stationery, Fame Wear, IYE Event Management, and The Harlem Informer, a newsletter.
During the summer of 1996, IYE launched a
program with Andrew Harrell, Motown Records CEO, to teach students
about the music industry. Senior staff members from Motown introduced
students to the skills needed to draft contracts with recording
artists, design album covers, work in the studio, and all aspects of
running the company, including goal setting, resume writing, and
IYE was established in the Spring of 1994 with the collaboration of The Harbor School for Boys & Girls, The Valley, and One to One Partnership, Inc. It was designed so that "young people will be encouraged to develop their own businesses or to invest in businesses already existing in Harlem, East Harlem, or Washington Heights."
The offices are located in a recently
renovated second floor space, in the historic Mutual Life Insurance
building, the home of the first balck-owned insurance company, on
Lenox Avenue, just north of 125th Street.
HarlemLive hopes to continue updating our readers about IYE and their achievements.
Contact Information
back to
Steve Lawrence, Executive Director
310 Lenox Avenue, NY, NY 10027
(212) 369-3900 fax(212) 369-5361 Email: IYEed@aol.com
IYE is a jointly sponsored project of Alianza Domincicana, Boys Harbor, The Valley, and One to One New York, serving youth between the ages of 12 an 18.
IYE Courses Fall 1996 | |||||
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
3pm-5pm |
Intro to Entrepreneurship/ Money Management |
IYE Event Management |
Independent Projects |
Computer I |
Computer II |
4pm-6pm |
Job Preparation I |
The Harlem Informer Art and Graphic Design |
Harlem Stationary New York Colors |
SAT Preparation Fame Wear |
IYE Courses
Introduction to Computers I
Basic word processing, typing and spreadshieet skills for the beginner. Students will gain experience on both IBM and Macintosh computers
Advanced Computers II
Graphic Design, desktop publishing and spreadsheet skills.
Introduction to Job Preparation I
Learn how to present yourself as a young professional, write a resume, write a cover letter, fill out a job application and market yourself for employment.
Introduction to Entrepreneurship & Money Management
Junior Achievement and IYE will teach you how to keep track of your money, and teach you the basics of running your own business.
S.A.T. Preparation
Prepare yourself for the S.A.T & get ready for college! Yo will take practice tests, review Math and English questions, so that you will perform your best on this important test!
Art and Graphic Design
Discover the artist in you! Work with a professional artist drawing, painting and using the computer to develop your art skills.
Student Run Businesses
New York Colors Greeting Cards
Join an outstanding, creative team! This Fall, NY Colors will market and sell the brand new line of holiday cards.
Harlem Stationery
The Source and Harlem Stationery combine to build one great business that designs flyers, stationery, and business cards
IYE Event Management (students 15 & up) Formerly JAM Party, this business will provide catering, decoration, and clean up services for events at IYE and throughout NYC!
Join Harlem's hottest new newsletter - writers & sales people wanted.
Some of the staff members of The Harlem Informer: (Left to right) Back Row: Sharelle Conde, David Gonzales, Erika Fikes (coordinator), Yisrah Abrahaim , Juan Martinez, Karl Greene. Front Row: Henry Martinez, Saphaire Lorick |