The Northern Perinatal Partnership, Inc. (NMPP) once a part of the New York Urban League, held a day long Youth Conference in October to help and teach youth to become better parents. (Pointers in the World of Work given by Pros)
Highlighted by three workshops - "The
World of Work, Getting Paid", "Natural Born Brothers and
Sisters - Youth Togetherness", and "Teen Parenting Schools -
What about the Babies" - the Youth Conference will be
followed up by ongoing workshops to further the work
Marion Drummonds, Executive Director
Marion Robinson, conference coordinator, said that there were a lot images presented in the news and entertainment media that gave the youth negative role models. In conducting these workshops, the NMPP is providing access and examples of concerned adults rarely shown by the media.
In 1990, the number of infant deaths in Harlem was 27 out of 1000. Today the number is less than 15 per 1000. The NMPP has been working to teach young adults how to put off pregnancy until they can provide for themselves, but in the event there is a pregnancy, the NMPP instructs the teenagers ways to promote prenatal (before birth) health and security.
The NMPP, among other achievements, conducts three major health care programs: Healthy Start, a collaborative of many community and government agencies to promote infancy health, The Community Health Worker Program, provides education to pregnant mothers, and New York/New York Connect gives services to women and children lacking access to health services.
The NMPP also has a three month initiative to teach young men how to be better fathers called the Male Involvement Program, addressing their needs such as employment, pregnancy prevention, parenting, and substance abuse prevention.
Contact the NMPP at (212) 665-2600.
The three workshops followed a morning of breakfast, prayer, and an introduction by break dancer, Rocafella. The workshops were followed by lunch, a report on the workshops, entertainment, shout outs, and music.
There was a conflict
discussion "Am I My Brothers', Am I My Sisters' Keeper where a mock
trial with a drug dealer and the another brother who has chosen to
work for Goodwill and other community organizations. "We have to be
true to ourselves and if you have a child and they ask you questions,
you can't answer them. They talked about the trap of buying into the
believing in commercial idea of the American dream and that it wasn't
necessary to buy the fanciest clothes.
Of the three workshops,, HarlemLive reporters attended the Getting Paid workshop.
Pointers given by the adults speaking at the "Getting Paid" workshop included:
Wendy Millar is president
of Rainbow Bookstores. She said the first key was persistence, to
keep going, even on those mornings when you don't want to get up and
go out and do in what you believe. She began her own book
distribution company. She found out about programs and resources to
teach how to be an entrepreneur. Market research is the base she
added, to find out what others are doing and how you could do it
better. She spent many Saturdays in the libraries learning about
market research and how to write financial reports. "Dress like a
million bucks," she said, "Go into interviews thinking that it's
already yours and if you don't get it, think how you could prepare
better next time. Getting up early is the hardest thing. Never be
late for an appointment."
Brian Dunn, who earned a Masters degree in Psychology/Anthropology and a BS in Economics from Manhattanville College. He is cochairperson of NYC Mayor's office funded Economic Development Zone Project. Brian founded Best Dunn Enterprises in Computer Processing, Communication Skills, Time Management, Customer Service and Budget Development & Administration. He teaches Religious instruction at St.Charles Borromeo Church in NYC and provided Image Consulting in the tri-state area. He said the whole thing about business is about doing things you like, from something that comes from within. Those are the things that you want to make it work. I am in the publishing business because I like to read. You have to lay the foundation for the future. You've got a try... otherwise, when you get older, you think "I should have".. The keys to success added Mr. Dunn are guts, late nights, working weekends, working hard.
Sha-Rhonda Wilson founded Unlimited Potential Plus while attending Morgan State University. Unlimited Potential Plus provides a vast number of services including advertising, marketing, planning events, conducting surveys, web site construction. She began by helping her mother and father in their work. She worked with summer youth, Burger King, before deciding she wanted to star her own business. She began thinking she wanted to be a personal trainer, then went to thinking she would be a sports nutritionist. "Do what you like to do.. it has to be something you love. Don't worry about what others are doing, don't measure your success by others..just make sure that you're focused on what you like to do."
Tracey Fuller President of Protegé... She presents to audiences on topics such as self esteem, image, health, nutrition and does style analysis. Born and raised in Harlem, Tracey believes in faith. It's important to dream and hope. "If you not have dreams," said Ms. Fuller, "get them." Her other advice was: If you don't know what you want to do start thinking about it. Positive self esteem is very important. Don't stay in the same place all the time.