My name is Johnny Holmes. I was born
January 18, 1982. I was born in Lincoln Hopital in the Bronx. I live
with my grandmother, Francis Butler, my siter, Ashley, my older
brother, Lamont Butler, and my two cousins in East Harlem.
I love to play basketball and baseball. I am on five different basketball teams. I play uptown, downtown, cross town. Some people refer to uptown as the west side, but I play in the Bronx, too. I also coach kids 12 years and younger in basketball.
My goals are to be a basketball player and a lawyer or school teacher. When we argue in school, I always come out on top. I'd like to be a teacher because I've had a lot of good teachers.
I'd like to work on HarlemLive because with the internet, you learn a lot of new and different things . You read and see things you've never seen before. It's like a real life adventure.
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