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Welcome to HarlemLive
A Note From the editors:
Welcome to HarlemLive, Harlem's Internet
Publication by the youth of Harlem and their families.
We cover the parks, organizations,
schools, people, churches, and happenings of Harlem, as well as
significant events throughout New York City. Students learn as
reporters, writers, editors, artists, photographers, business
representatives, publishers, ...
HarlemLive showcases the talent of
the children in a way that is appropriate with emerging technologies.
Please let
us know what you think of HarlemLive.
HarlemLive is extremely thankful to
the Institute for
Learning Technologies for hosting our site
on their computers.
We are currently seeking a location out of
which the students can work daily for HarlemLive. We will keep you
to Home Page
First Created, Sept. 1996 by rgc@ilt.columbia.edu
Last Updated January, 1997