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In The City
The ship has a variety of activities that visitors can take part in while on the ship. The most popular activity on the ship is the flight simulator. "The big thing people like to do is walk the flight deck," says Denise Nash, the director of Public Relations. People can experience what its like to fly an aircraft and also have an opportunity to get up close and personal with real aircraft like the fastest jet in the world, the Blackbird, which flies at Mach 3.6. Mach is the speed that the jet flies beyond the sound barrier. |
Another popular aircraft is the F-16, just like the one in "Top Gun" with Tom Cruise. "That (F-16) is the one that is flying in Afghanistan right now," explains Nash. Another popular activity on the ship is the free movies in the theater. The theater features war movies. One would assume it wouldn't be so popular if it weren't free. Nash explained that the 9-11 exhibit is also a popular attraction to the visitors. It features a large painting of the New York City skyline and a Statue Of Liberty that mysteriously appeared in front of Engine 54 Ladder 4 in Midtown Manhattan after 9-11. The statue became a shrine and was donated to the Museum after it started to get ruined by the elements. |
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So take my word for it and go visit the Intrepid Museum. Again, it's not only educational and informative but also fun and interesting. Also, in a way, you get to pay your respects to the Naval Officers, who served the country and those who continue to serve their country. |
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