This Outspoken Labor Secretary was born in Mobile, Arkansas in 1948. Sworn into her seat on May 9, 1997 as the 23rd Secretary of Labor, Alexis M. Herman was the first African-American to ever be nominated for the position and the fourth woman to be appointed in 84 years. Herman, dubbed the "Queen of Smooth," did not have such a pleasant time getting confirmed. Both congressional Republicans and labor unions initially opposed her nomination. Herman's longtime relationship with the Clinton Administration as Director of Liaisons, and her frequent appearances at the now infamous White House Coffees sparked controversy. Nevertheless, Herman eventually won over their hearts in the summer of 1997 when she was praised by her peers for "handling the UPS Strike situation with such expedition." "Among our countries greatest advocates for the rights of working people, U.S. Secretary Alexis M. Herman, is reputed for her ability to bring people together, get them talking and then leading the way in getting things done," ÐMinorities Job Bank "Mrs. Herman is a real example of what women of color can achieve despite the odds against them". - Denise Wallace, Performance Artist |
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