By: Tameeka Mitchem















Hydeia L. Broadbent

This courageous and remarkable young lady was born January 10, 1984 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The number one medical fear of most new parents is their child's first cold. They fear for the safety and well being for this new life they have brought into the world, but for Hydeia Broadbent's parents a cold was far from what they would have to deal with. All Pat and Loren Broadbent knew when they brought home their 6-month old adopted daughter was that she was the baby of a drug-abused mother.

But they began to sense that there was something wrong with the baby when all it didn't sleep, constantly cried, rarely ate, and frequently wheezed from a stuffed nose. So they took her to the doctor but he could find nothing wrong and sent them home with some antibiotics. But the Broadbent's knew something was wrong and 3 years later they finally found out. Hydeia's birth mother had given birth again and her newborn was tested and found HIV positive.

The Broadbent's went back to the hospital to get Hydeia tested and found out that she too was HIV positive. Doctor's predicted that Hydeia would not live past her fifth birthday, but they couldn't have been more wrong. With the help and love of her parents Hydeia Broadbent has become one of this country's leading AIDS activist and all at the age of 16. During a routine stay at a Las Vegas Hospital six yeas ago.

Hydeia decided to stop by the local AIDS ward and was touched by the huge amount of kids that were infected with this disease every year. Since her visit Hydeia has become a crusader for HIV/AIDS prevention among American. AMFAR and LIZ TAYLOR AIDS Foundation have honored Hydeia, and both President Clinton and Essence Magazine have honored her.


Contact Info:

Hydeia L. Broadbent Foundation
1425 N. Sierra Bonita Avenue, Suite 411
Los Angeles, CA 90046-4198


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