reading this book I was both intrigued and mislead. I expected it to
be a sermon filled with endless feminist babble. However, as I started
to read the book, my negative ideas about feminism (perpetuated by their
portrayal in the media and my ignorance) began to fade away. Not only
was I able to embrace some feminist principles, but now I could appreciate
the movement from the perspective of an African American woman.
Morgans words expressed the many concerns of African American
women or in my case young women. Her book tackles various issues affecting
women including interracial dating, the independent women, marriage,
unity, and many other social and cultural issues that have strong relevance
to women. She even takes a look at deep emotional subjects like the
problems fatherless girls face as grown women.
When Chickenheads Come Home to Roost: My Life As A Hip Hop Feminist
is filled with life lessons and experiences that all girls my age can
relate to or will one day encounter.