For as long as we have existed, us women have been seen as seductive, or alluring. No matter the situation we are never looked at as supreme figures, we are viewed as inferior in the eyes of men. For instance, when a women sleeps with many men she is considered to be a whore, "hoe", or "slut", but when a man sleeps with a number of women he becomes the equivalent of a hero or role model, and I dare to say a God amongst men. Another instance is that in some
religions a woman has to announce her failings whereas a man with his
own imperfections isn't required to. For example, if a female has pre-marital
sex and gets pregnant she has to make a public confession and if the
baby is aborted it's even worse. The last time that I checked if the
baby was created during sexual intercourse a man was present so my question
is," Why doesn't he have to confess to his part of the conception?"
The unfair part of this particular situation is that the father of the
baby can keep his identity a complete secret and never have to tell
anyone his part. Let's not even get onto the fact that we still, after our long struggle, are not accepted in the corporate world. Though many of us hold corporate offices with a couple who are CEO's we still aren't taken seriously. And men still look down on us; in fact I think they just think we'll end up quitting because they assume we can't handle the pressure.
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